in discussion Forum Discussion / Information Resources » UPA Articles, November 2011
Here are articles that may help you on the issue of waste/wastewater and UPA, as discussed at the UNEP workshop at the end of October. The articles' topics are waterborne diseases, use of wastewater for UPA, climate change and health, and a few on more general topics related to the assessment. I hope you find these useful.
Climate Change and Health in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case-Based Perspective
Climate change and human health: present and future risks
Climate Change and Infectious Diseases
Climate Change and Waterborne Disease Risk in the Great Lakes Region of the U.S.
Climate change, flooding, urbanisation and leptospirosis: fuelling the fire?
Climate and Vectorborne Diseases
Effects of climate change on animal and zoonotic helminthiases
Climate Information for Improved Planning and Management of Mega Cities (Needs Perspective)
Climate change effects on trematodiases, with emphasis on zoonotic fascioliasis and schistosomiasis
Modeling the impact of climate variability on diarrhea-associated diseases in Taiwan (1996–2007)
Control of pathogenic microorganisms in wastewater recycling and reuse in agriculture
A framework for the decentralised management of wastewater in Zimbabwe
Drivers for the emergence and re-emergence of vector-borne protozoal and bacterial diseases
The ecology of climate change and infectious diseases
Giardia duodenalis infection and wastewater irrigation in Pakistan
High risk of hookworm infection among wastewater farmers in Pakistan
Does irrigated urban agriculture influence the transmission of malaria in the city of Kumasi, Ghana?
Impact of irrigation water quality on human health: A case study in India
Urban organic waste markets: responding to change in Hubli Dharwad, India
Operationalising a resilience approach to adapting an urban delta to uncertain climate changes
Soil-transmitted helminthiases: implications of climate change and human behavior
Sub-Saharan African urbanisation and global environmental change
The use of town refuse ash in urban agriculture around Jos, Nigeria: health and environmental risks
Combating desertification in the Negev: dryland agriculture vs. dryland urbanization
The challenges of wastewater irrigation in developing countries
Wastewater irrigation in the developing world—Two case studies from the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal
Confronting the realities of wastewater aquaculture in peri-urban Kolkata with bioeconomic modelling
Wastewater for agriculture: A reuse-oriented planning model and its application in peri-urban China
Factors Contributing to the Public Health and Economic Importance of Waterborne Zoonotic Parasites
Climate change and waterborne and vector-borne disease